Congratulations to Fernando Gutierrez and Jianxin Li, the 2021 Scholarship Recipients!

Congratulations to Fernando Gutierrez and Jianxin Li, the 2021 Scholarship recipients of the Virginia Yu Fund for Social & Economic Justice Fund!

Fernando Camarillo Gutierrez is a student that embodies the spirit of this scholarship as demonstrated by him sharing his story on the Latinx viewpoints leading up to the 2020 presidential election as well as being a student ambassador and peer mentor for new students. His desire to fight and stand for immigrant rights also resonates with the mission of the scholarship. He will be attending Middlebury College.

Jianxin Li is the second recipient of the scholarship. She has volunteered her time to various causes including serving as director of the LEO Club. She has also served as student ambassador and a translator as well as being an assistant teacher at a Chinese school. Jianxin will be going to Brooklyn College to study education. She says she wants to be a teacher.

Congratulations to both Fernando and Jianxin!

Congratulations to the entire class of 2021! It's been a tough 16 months but you all made it!

Video of the graduation (go to 24:25 to see Sheila Yu-Chen (Virginia Yu's sister award presentation):

Congrats to the 2016 Recipients of the Virginia Yu Fund for Social and Economic Justice Scholarship: Anna Chen and Li Gao

Congratulations to the recipients of the Virginia Yu Fund for Social and Economic Justice 2016 scholarship awards, Anna Chen and Li Gao. Anna and Li have made significant contributions to their school and the greater community and we hope these scholarships will encourage them to continue their efforts to bring more justice to this world.

Board member Nelson Mar with Anna Chen and Li Gao, 2016 Scholarship recipients

Board member Nelson Mar with Anna Chen and Li Gao, 2016 Scholarship recipients

Nelson Mar of the Fund addressing the graduating class of LES Preparatory High School

Nelson Mar of the Fund addressing the graduating class of LES Preparatory High School

2015 inaugural recipients of the Virginia Yu Fund for Social & Economic Justice Scholarships were awarded to 2 graduating seniors

Our 2015 inaugural recipients of the Virginia Yu Fund for Social & Economic Justice Scholarships were awarded to 2 graduating seniors at Lower East Side Preparatory High School (the school Virginia was a guidance counselor at the school until her untimely passing)

The Fund's board members and family member were present at yesterday's graduation to give the 2015 Virginia Yu Fund scholarship awards to 2 students ($1000 awarded to each student) in person. Congratulations to Xinyue Zhen and Junmei Jiang! Good luck on your college adventures. 

Nelson Mar and Betty Yu, board members of the Fund with the 2015 Scholarship Recipients Xinyue Zhen and Junmei Jiang

Nelson Mar and Betty Yu, board members of the Fund with the 2015 Scholarship Recipients Xinyue Zhen and Junmei Jiang